Follow God’s Path for Your Life

Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight. Psalm 119:35 NIV

Following the path set before us is not always easy. There are many temptations along the way that Satan uses to draw us off the path God would have us follow. When we stray off the path into the darkness, we may temporarily lose our way. God is light, so he can’t be in the darkness. But, if we call out to him, he is there. Always right beside us, but because of the darkness, we couldn’t see him.

How is it that we can be so filled with the spirit, but other times so easily led astray? We are selfish by nature, and tend to look for “what’s in it for me”. God wants us to put others first. Love our neighbor as ourselves. That’s harder than it may seem, but it is possible.

Replenish yourself often be praying to the Father and by studying his word. It’s always good to pray that God will show you what he wants you to see as you study His word. I’ve read scripture over and over many times, but for some reason, all of a sudden I see a new take on the scripture that I never understood before.

It’s miraculous how God can use us in other people’s lives. When we’ve already dealt with a situation that someone else is going through now, God uses us to comfort them and be compassionate. We can encourage, counsel, and simply show them that we care and love them. We are, after all, God’s hands and feet, right?

I was very shy when I was a child. I’ve gotten more outgoing as I’ve gotten older. But, with each challenge in front of me, I step out of my comfort zone a little more. I trust that God is there with me, providing whatever I need. Faith…that’s what the Christian life is all about. Not that God will save us from pain or suffering, but that he will be there in the storms to help us through. We come out stronger on the other side and can use that experience to help others going through similar circumstances.

He has a path for each of us that he wants us to follow. Ask him what direction your path leads and follow it, knowing that he’ll give you what you need to get through it. It will be hard at times. Doubts may try to spoil the trip, but remember, he’s got your back. Trust in Him.

In Faith,


2 Replies to “Follow God’s Path for Your Life”

  1. This post reminds some of my favorite writers, the classic monks! Several of my beloved dead-monk devotional books are simply compilations of letters written to friends. And that’s what I like about your writing. A wise, sage letter, written to a friend. Thank you for writing!


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